Monday, December 10, 2012


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 Review of "Playing for Keeps" movie review by Scott Tobias

As most women in the world I would be interested to watch almost anything with Gerard Butler in it. After reading Scott Tobias' review of "Playing for Keeps" I am not so sure anymore. As a movie with an A-list cast I would expect a review of this film to rank higher than a "D." 

Tobias gives a good overview of the movie but from the looks of his review it doesn't get any more interesting if you actually see the movie. The most interesting part of this review was when Tobias explains that you go in expecting a romantic comedy but the movie ends up focusing more on Butler's relationship with his 10 year old son. After reading this review I think I will wait until this movie is in Redbox and save my ten dollars.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Brief Screening Report - The Hunger Games

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Brief Screening Report - The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games has many crucial and emotional scenes but the most important one in my opinion is only ten minutes into the film. This scene depicts the reaping. It starts with all of the children gathering and registering,

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Journal 2

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Remember The Titans: Why I Remember

Growing up in central Wisconsin I was never exposed to the kind of hatred and racism that is seen in Remember The Titans. This movie is one of the best examples I have seen of what we can accomplish when we put aside our differences and work together.

When watching movies I am much more drawn to the cultural elements than the technical ones. What message the movie is trying to portray is most important to me. Two big scenes that drew me into this movie were when Emma walks up to Julius at the state championship game and shakes his hand and earlier in the movie when Julius first meets Gerry's mom and instead of taking her offered hand he hugs her and picks her right off the ground. These are small scenes but they make a big impact for the movie over all.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Journal 1: Maraniss Article Response

Video Courtesy of Youtube

My response to "Winning Actually Isn't The Only Thing" By David Maraniss

Before I began reading Maraniss’ article I had a preconceived idea that it would be just another article belittling the replacement NFL refs. We’ve heard it all already. I was pleasantly surprised

The Believing Game - Anti-Abortion

Thousands of couples all across the country are trying desperately to adopt a child to call their own. Therefore, why should perfectly healthy babies be killed before they have even had a chance to live when there are so many people willing to take them in. At the moment of conception a new life is created and what right does someone have to tell that life it is not worth keeping. Killing an unborn child because it will be a financial strain is no different than killing a toddler for the same reason. There is only one thing abortion is, and that is murder.

The Believing Game - Pro-Abortion

Abortion should not be thought of as a dirty word. Imagine a young girl getting raped at a party then finding out 3 weeks later that she is pregnant. Abortion should be her choice, not the governments. Every year tens of thousands of women are killed during “back-alley” abortions in countries where abortion is illegal. If it were your sister, daughter, mother or friend that had a pregnancy threatening their life shouldn’t that person you love have the choice to end the pregnancy and save their own life? Leaving these women with no other alternative other than to wait to die is the cruelest thing we could do to them. A woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body.

Test Video Post

Cat video. Courtesy: YouTube